Monday, 16 December 2013

Heart Attack Prevention through Lifestyle Changes

Heart Attack is the leading cause of death around the World and hence smallest of efforts put into staying healthy might prove to be beneficial for you. 
Changes brought about in Lifestyle not only acts as the best defensive mechanism against Heart Attacks but also brings about a balance that helps you take control of your life. A lifestyle that is healthy for your Heart is mentioned below. The simple steps mentioned helps reduce risk of Heart Failure, Stroke or any other Cardiovascular Disease.

Quit Smoking – if you are an active or passive smoker, it is highly recommended that you quit today or encourage a fellow smoker to do the same. Letting go of a habit that gives you relief (so you think) might be difficult but remember it is much tougher to recover from a heart attack or to survive with a chronic cardiovascular disease.

Good Nutritional Diet – Time and again, nutritional diets have been advised for a healthy living. A diet rich in vegetables, grains, fruits, fish, protein etc that are low in calories and fat-free is the best diet to keep you away from Heart issues.

Reduce Cholesterol – Cholesterol can be your worst enemy when it comes to your Heart. Fat that accumulates in your arteries is a disaster in the making. Within no time, you will notice its effects on your Heart that often lead to a Heart Attack or Stroke. Simple reduce the amount of saturated fat intake followed by medication prescribed by your doctor.

Target high Blood Pressure – High Blood pressure triggers major heart issues and often leads to Stroke. Recovering from stroke is most difficult since it might leave you completely paralyzed.

Physical Pro-activeness – Every article or blog that you come across that deals with Health Care, suggests regular physical activity as a mandatory part of the content. Understand the importance of daily physical activities and start today! Studies have shown that people who are regular with moderate activities are less likely to be affected by Heart disorders.

Watch your weight – Obesity that is one of the main outcomes of an unhealthy lifestyle that seems to be the trend especially among young generation! Obesity alone targets your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol that heightens the risk of Heart Attacks. To know your appropriate body weight use BMI (Body Mass Index) to calculate your weight limit.

Fight Diabetes – high Blood sugar often leads to high blood pressure and cholesterol issues. Fight diabetes to fight them all and keep your Heart safe.

Stress Management – Studies show that coronary heart diseases are directly proportionate to Stress that we face in our daily lives. The fight to survive in a fast moving society often makes us forget the saying “survival of the fittest”. Stress issues should be dealt with the help of yoga that helps you calm yourself and brings down stress.

Medical help to fight against Heart Diseases should be the last resort – adapt to a healthier lifestyle to avoid medical help. Bodily issues are best solved through natural sources when at a nascent stage. Jehangir Hospital provides the best health care in India with an aim to educate the mass to avoid health issues through lifestyle changes. For more information of treatments and Preventions follow -